物理实验中心每年接纳自考助学班等社会办学学生近千人,完成实验人时数近11万。还多次接待其他院校的参观,得到了社会各界的好评。我们现在正在做和今后要做的是: (1) 我校为武汉市市属综合性大学,为武汉区域经济的发展培养了大量实用型人才,为武汉市科教兴市、科教强市作出了应有的贡献,在市属高校已起到了较强的示范辐射作用。 (2)作为武汉市市属高校示范实验室,物理实验中心已向全市中小学乃至全社会开放,为武汉市中小学物理教学和科技素质的提高和优质资源的共享,提供了更高的平台。 (3)作为地方综合性高校,今后要大力加强全省校际间的交流与合作。随着物理实验中心的进一步发展,也必然为推动全省高校实验室建设起到更强的示范辐射作用。 | ||
发表被SCI收录的学术论文 | ||
序号 | 论文名称 | 作者(*) |
1 | Random walk on percolation under an external field | 桑建平 (2) |
2 | Statisstical analysis and Monte Carlo simulation of growing self-avoiding walks on percolation | 桑建平 (2) |
3 | Blackmail propagation on small-world networks | 桑建平 (2) |
4 | Density dependencies of interaction strengths and their influences on nuclear matter and neotron stars in relativistic mean field theory | 桑建平 (5) |
5 | 双模光场与级联三能级原子相互作用系统中熵的演化 | 张立辉 |
6 | 位相损耗腔中简并双光子拉曼耦合系统中的熵特性 | 张立辉 |
7 | 自旋结网圈表象中体积与面积本征值 | 邵 丹 |
8 | Demonstration of the Symmetry Properties of Gravitational Metric Fields | 邵 丹 (3) |
9 | The Curvture Excitation of Quantum Wilson Loop in (R+R2)-gravity | 邵 丹 (3) |
10 | Scheme for preparation of the W state via cavity QED | 詹志明 |
11 | Efficient scheme for multipartite entanglement and quantum information processing with trapped ions | 詹志明 (2) |
12 | Many-body dynamics of a Bose system with attractive interactions on a ring | 詹志明 (3) |
13 | Diffeomorphism, Hamiltonian Constraints and Mandelstam Identities Over Extended Kont Families and | 邵 丹 |
14 | Some Wilson Loops in Gravitational Metric Fields | 邵 丹 |
15 | Curvature Excitation Through Quantum Wilson Loops in 4-Devivative Gravity | 邵 丹 |
16 | 量子引力的曲率两点真空相关 | 邵 丹 |
17 | 体积算符对顶角作用的重耦矩阵 | 邵 丹 |
18 | Some Wilson Loops in Gravitational Metric Fields | 邵 丹 |
19 | Curvature Excitation through Quantum Wilson Loop in Four-Derivative Gravity | 邵 丹 |
20 | 引力的曲率平方理论 | 邵 丹 (2) |
21 | Particularization of Diffeomorphism Constraint Action and Transverse Fields | 邵 丹 (2) |
22 | Vancuum Correlations in Quantized Gravity | 邵 丹 (2) |
23 | Curvature Vacuum Correlation in N-Dimesional Einstein Gravity | 邵 丹 (3) |
24 | Eigenstates and eigenergies of seven bosonic modes mixing models. | 詹志明 |
25 | Scheme for preparation of W state among three cavity modes. | 詹志明 |
26 | Generation of an entangled state of two multievel atoms in cavity QED | 詹志明 |
27 | Exact eigenstates for class of models describing multiphoton processes in the presence of six bosonic modes | 詹志明 |
28 | Analytical results for model describing interactions among six bosonic modes | 詹志明 |
29 | 七个Boson模多光子过程本征态的求解 | 詹志明 |
30 | Photo statistics of the micromaser with a Kerr medium | 詹志明 (2) |
31 | Generation of two-mode nonclassical states via dispersive interaction in trapped-ion cavity quantum electrodynamics | 詹志明 (2) |
32 | Cluster states from quantum logic gates with trapped ions in thermal motion | 詹志明 (2) |
33 | Double-cascade continuous-wave four-wave mixing scheme in a coherent cold atomic medium | 詹志明 (3) |
34 | Absorption-dispersion properties in a four-level atomic system with vacuum-induced coherence | 詹志明 (3) |
35 | Ultraslow bright and dark solitons using only a pulsed laser in a cold three-state medium | 詹志明 (3) |
36 | 运动的二能级原子与双模量子化腔场的相互作用 | 詹志明 (4) |
37 | Generation of Multicomponent Motional coherent and squeezed coherent states of N trapped ions by a dispersive interaction | 詹志明 (4) |
38 | Contuollability and Observability of Linear | 钱同惠 |
39 | Tuning emission color of electroluminescence from two organic interfacial exciplexes by modulating the thickness of middle gadolinium complex layer | 李明涛 |
40 | Efficient white organic light-emitting device based on a thin layer of hole-transporting host with rubrene dopant | 李明涛 |
41 | 一种基于照明目的的有机白光发光二极管 | 李明涛 |
42 | 利用钆配合物调节激基复合物发光颜色的一种有机发光二极管 | 李明涛 |
43 | Microstructure and ferroelectric porformance of sol-ged derivedb13.15ND0.85Ti.O4 thin films | 乔 燕 (2) |
44 | Large anisotropy of ferroelectric and dielectric properties for Bi3.15Nd0.85Ti3O12 thin films deposited on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si | 乔 燕 (2) |
45 | Amplitude and phase control of trichromatic electromagnetically induced transparency | 李 星 (3) |
46 | Nonlinear response of a three-level system driven by a polychromatic field and probed by an arbitrarily intense field | 李 星 (4) |
47 | Generation of an entalgled state of two three-level superconducting quantum interfercece devices in cavity | 詹志明 |
48 | Generation of entangled states of multiple superconducting quantum inference devices in cavity | 詹志明 |
49 | Single phase b-FeSi2 prepared by femtoscond laser ablation and its photoluminescence at room tempterature | 周幼华 (2) |
50 | Effects of Nonlinear Time-Delay on a stochastic Asymmetric System | 朱春莲 (2) |
51 | Enhancement of internal-noise coherence resonance by modulation of external noise in a circadian oscillator | 朱春莲 (3) |